Sunday, August 19, 2007

Imagine instant ingredients

I is for Instant hot chocolate mix. This was the secret ingredient in Riley's birthday party cupcakes. This weekend has been full of family parties. Saturday we had a double celebration for both Johnno and Riley. We had Tim's family over for a B.B.Q. It was a perfect day for an outside party. Riley had a vision for his cake- he wanted hot chocolate cupcakes served in a mug with whipped cream, mini-marshmellows, chocolate chips and sprinkles on top. He wanted it to look just like a mug of hot chocolate and it really did! They were a big hit. Riley has a great imagination.
Today we had two more family parties. The first was a farewell party for my cousin Kate- she's moving to Florida at the end of this month. The second was a Birthday party for my nephew. He will be six in a few days!. A weekend full of parties and family!

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